Friday, November 25, 2005

At the office this morning

Ran into V.C and W.N this morning, we all work at Wynyard and all got on the train from Chatswood Station - and chatted the whole way through.

The three of us had a mini discussion about homosexualism at the end of the trip, coz W.N heard on the radio this morning about the "illegal gay wedding" and all the wrong bible passages they were quoting to wrongly support themselves.

Anyway I got to the office, and very shortly, one gay colleague and another rude/ignorant atheist started challenging one Catholic girl about religion/ homosexualism etc.

The girl is very "rehearsed" in all she says, but it really doesn't have much grace in it, and some of her replies were pretty legalistic. Eva, the other Christian girl, and myself, couldn't help but to interrput every now and then with one or two comments, but most of the time we stayed out of the discussion, simply because it was obvious they just wanted to callenge the Catholic girl , Linda.

In some ways, I believe that a Christ follower would not - and should not - practice homosexualism - but that is what a Christ follower would do. There's no point, if one is not a Christ follower, to challenge Christians their point of views re homosexualism - because a Christian, does not believe it is right.

Things were not too annoying, until that rude/ignorant guy, started saying things like "how can people believe in something when they have no evidence to prove it?!"


I said, "what do you mean no evidence? To prove WHAT?"

he said "is there evidence that proves there's a heaven?"

I replied "is there evidence that says there isn't a heaven?"

Eva said, "the bible is prove" (CHEERS!!!)

and I concurred "exactly"

So he launches into saying "Vivian, do you know why there're 4 you know what the XXYYZZ Creed is" etc etc,

and I simply replied "You know, I know more than you would, and I would not challenge me what I know, simply because I know what I know."

and for once, he just turned back and shut up!!!

I really do thank God.

Thank you, God!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


「你好先生,我叫 xx 是 Sunday打來,先生你是否 9xxx-xxxx> 的機主?」
「無,我想同你介紹一個最新的優惠計劃,月費加 $30 就可以發一百個短訊……(下刪 字若干),你有沒有興趣join?」
「哦。 對不起,沒有。」
「為什麼呀﹖ 才三毛錢一個,比你現在的便宜很多呢!」
「真的是個好優惠,能給你省錢呢! 為什麼不要呀﹖」
「 為什麼﹖ 因為我有錢。」
「 …… 」



「你好先生,我地有Buffet Club 個promotion..以后你去hotel 食飯係member..全部半價...」


「先生你好,我叫 xxx 係abc(某推銷公司)打來,先生請問你係咪9xxx-xxxx o既 機主?」
「我想同你介紹一個最新的優惠計劃,唔駛錢就可以享用某某優惠三個月……(下刪 數百字),你有冇興趣參加?」
「哦? 對唔住,冇。」
「 …… 」
「 …… 」
